With the onset of closures and quarantines early this year due to the spread of COVID-19, businesses across the country were confronted with the issue of how to perform their contractual obligations while they were unable to operate under normal conditions (or, in some cases, unable to operate at all). In many instances, they could not.
Une nouvelle définition du motif économique de licenciement
La Loi Travail a intégré, à compter du 1er décembre 2016, deux nouveaux motifs de licenciement économique consacrés par la jurisprudence : la réorganisation de l’entreprise nécessaire à la sauvegarde de sa compétitivité et la cessation d’activité. La Loi Travail a également précisé la notion de difficultés économiques à l’aide d’indicateurs tels que la baisse significative des commandes ou du chiffre d’affaires ou encore l’augmentation des pertes d’exploitation (article L.1233- 3 du Code du travail).
The COVID-19 pandemic presents directors of all business entities1 with a profound and unprecedented set of challenges. Now more than ever, key decision-takers in businesses appreciate that their actions will be carefully judged following the crisis. Scrutiny of their actions will come from a range of interested and affected parties including creditors, employees, trades unions, landlords, customers, regulators, insolvency practitioners and possibly even law enforcement.